Kulzer & DiPadova, P.A.
76 E. Euclid Avenue, Suite 300
Haddonfield, New Jersey 08033-2342

P: 856.795.7744
F: 856.795.8982
E: info@kulzerdipadova.com

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COVID-19 Notice to Clients & Friends

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COVID-19 Notice to Clients & Friends

To our valued clients and friends,


We at Kulzer & DiPadova hope you and your family are well and taking measures to ensure your ongoing health and safety while adapting to this serious public health situation.  We want to assure you that throughout the COVID-19 pandemic we will continue to work diligently to meet your legal needs and remain fully engaged on your matters.  Currently our firm will remain operational and working remotely. At this time we do not anticipate any interruptions in our legal services as we have technology in place to service our clients during this unforeseen disruption.

We realize that this announcement may bring further questions regarding your cases. Due to challenges COVID-19 has presented all in-person meetings will be rescheduled in the form of conference calls or video conferencing until further notice. While we are not open to visitors please do not hesitate to contact our office should you have any questions. When calling our main number at 856-795-7744 you will be given the opportunity to leave a message in our general voicemail box or the option to be directed to a specific extension. As always our e-mail, website, and fax line are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Below please find an employee contact directory for your convenience. Should the attorney or staff member you are contacting not be immediately available, your call will be returned within 24 hours.

We are committed to doing our part to reduce community exposure to the virus while providing timely advice. Throughout this uncertain time, Kulzer & DiPadova continues our commitment to serve the South Jersey and Greater Philadelphia communities in a wide range of tax, business, and estate matters. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service and thank you for your loyalty patience and understanding.


Very truly yours,
Kulzer & DiPadova, P.A.


Employee Directory

Employee Direct Phone Ext E-Mail
Art DiPadova 856-874-7113 113 aad@kulzerdipadova.com
Cherie Buckingham 856-887-4708 104 cbuckingham@kulzerdipadova.com
Dan Mellor 856-874-7132 132 dmellor@kulzerdipadova.com
Debbie Pinho 856-874-7120 120 dpinho@kulzerdipadova.com
Denise Appleton 856-887-4704 151 dappleton@kulzerdipadova.com
Doug Madanick 856-874-7138 138 dm@kulzerdipadova.com
Eric Feldhake 856-874-7140 140 eaf@kulzerdipadova.com
Gina DiMaio 856-887-4707 117 gdimaio@kulzerdipadova.com
Glenn Henkel 856-874-7127 127 gah@kulzerdipadova.com
Jeanne Finn 856-887-4709 134 jmf@kulzerdipadova.com
Jim Evans Jr. 856-874-7139 139 jbe@kulzerdipadova.com
Joe Kempter 856-874-7124 124 jmk@kulzerdipadova.com
Joe Kenney 856-874-7116 116 jtk@kulzerdipadova.com
Judy Daiutolo 856-887-4706 144 jdaiutolo@kulzerdipadova.com
Kelly Hansen 856-887-4710 137 kelly@kulzerdipadova.com
Kristin Schmid 856-874-7153 153 kschmid@kulzerdipadova.com
Kyle Bell 856-887-4705 152 kbell@kulzerdipadova.com
Lauren Sole 856-887-4718 111 lsole@kulzerdipadova.com
Mary Jean Preston 856-887-4715 148 mjp@kulzerdipadova.com
Melissa Espinosa 856-887-4714 125 mespinosa@kulzerdipadova.com
Michele Dunne 856-887-4719 135 mdunne@kulzerdipadova.com
Michelle Kaznicki 856-874-7126 126 mmk@kulzerdipadova.com
Mike Kulzer 856-874-7115 115 mak@kulzerdipadova.com
Pete Singer 856-887-4717 102 psinger@kulzerdipadova.com
Robert Lewis 856-887-4713 147 rlewis@kulzerdipadova.com
Robert Williams 856-874-7133 133 rhw@kulzerdipadova.com
Samantha Heaton 856-874-7130 130 sheaton@kulzerdipadova.com
Sharon Washick 856-795-7744 110 swashick@kulzerdipadova.com
Solaris Power 856-874-7131 131 spower@kulzerdipadova.com
Susan Hiller 856-887-4711 142 shiller@kulzerdipadova.com
Therese Kehner 856-887-4712 128 tkehner@kulzerdipadova.com
Vickie Tracy 856-887-4720 145 vtracy@kulzerdipadova.com


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