Kulzer & DiPadova, P.A.
76 E. Euclid Avenue, Suite 300
Haddonfield, New Jersey 08033-2342

P: 856.795.7744
F: 856.795.8982
E: info@kulzerdipadova.com

Firm Overview

Kulzer & DiPadova, P.A. has been serving the South Jersey and Greater Philadelphia communities as a boutique tax, business, and estate planning law firm for over 50 years.

The firm’s humble beginnings started when Michael A. Kulzer began his solo law practice in 1971.  Arthur A. DiPadova joined Mike in 1976 and Kulzer DiPadova, P.A. was born. Initially the firm operated out of a small office on Kings Highway in Haddonfield, New Jersey. Years later, Kulzer & DiPadova moved to its current location at 76 E. Euclid Avenue, Haddonfield, New Jersey. Since its inception the firm has grown to 14 attorneys, and over 20 support staff.

All of Kulzer & DiPadova’s attorneys have earned their Masters of Law (LLM) in Taxation, and several are also Certified Public Accountants. Our specialized focus and knowledge allow Kulzer & DiPadova to provide exceptional counsel to our clients in a wide array of matters ranging from state & local taxes, estate planning and administration, estate litigation, civil and criminal tax controversies, business tax planning and compliance, and beyond.

The culture of our firm stems from our dedicated attorneys and experienced staff who are committed to providing the highest level of service to our clients.

Firm Timeline


Michael A. Kulzer opens his solo law practice in Cherry Hill, NJ.

Michael A. Kulzer teaches accounting, tax, and business law as an assistant professor at Rutgers Camden from 1971-1978


Michael A. Kulzer, P.A. is incorporated



Arthur A. DiPadova starts clerkship


Arthur A. DiPadova is named Associate


Arthur DiPadova

Arthur A. DiPadova is named Shareholder and the firm is renamed to Kulzer & DiPadova, P.A.


Firm moves from Cherry Hill office to 35 Kings Hwy, Haddonfield

James EvansJuly

James B. Evans, Jr. joins the firm as a law clerk, he is named Associate the following year


Michael A. Kulzer receives the Hon. Peter J. Devine, Jr. Award from the CCBA for distinguished service to the Bar


Barbara A. Kulzer is named Counsel to the firm


James Evans


James B. Evans, Jr. is named Shareholder


Robert Williams

Robert H. Williams joins firm as Associate


Robert WilliamsRobert H. Williams named Shareholder

Glenn Henkel

Glenn A. Henkel joins the firm as a law clerk, he is named Associate the following year



The firm moves on Valentine’s Day to it’s current location on 76 E. Euclid Avenue during a snowstorm


Tax Reform Act of 1986 is signed into law by President Ronald Reagan on October 22, 1986. It would be the most extensive review and overhaul of the Internal Review Code since the inception of the income tax in 1913.  It’s purpose was to simplify the tax code, broaden the tax base, and eliminate many tax shelters and preferences.


Joseph KenneyDecember

Joseph T. Kenney joins firm as an Associate


Glenn HenkelJanuary

Glenn A. Henkel is named Shareholder




The Uniform Probate Code is revised in 1990 and is modeled on the 1969 version of the UPC.


Arthur A. DiPadova serves as President of the Estate and Financial Planning Council of Southern New Jersey (1991-1992)


Joseph KenneyJanuary

Joseph T. Kenney is named Shareholder


Joseph KempterMay

Joseph M. Kempter joins the firm as a law clerk, he is named Associate the following year


Glenn A. Henkel serves as President of the Estate and Financial Planning Council of Southern New Jersey (1998-1999)

Barbara A. Kulzer retires as Professor of Law after 20 years of teaching at Rutgers University School of Law  where she also served as Associate Dean


Michael A. Kulzer serves as President of the Camden County Bar Association  (2001-2002)


Eric FeldhakeFebruary

Eric A. Feldhake joins firm as Associate


Douglas R. Madanick joins the firm as a law clerk, he is named Associate the following year


Joseph KempterJoseph M. Kempter named Shareholder





Arthur A. DiPadova serves as President of the Society of Financial Service Professionals – South Jersey Chapter

James B. Evans, Jr. serves as President of the Southwest Jersey Chapter New Jersey Society of Certified Public Accountants (2003-2004)


Joseph T. Kenney serves as President of the Southwest Jersey Chapter of the New Jersey Society of Certified Public Accountants (2006-2007)


Joseph M. Kempter serves as President of the Estate and Financial Planning Council of Southern New Jersey (2008-2009)


Eric FeldhakeJanuary

Eric A. Feldhake is named Shareholder

Daniel MellorMay

Daniel L. Mellor joins the firm as a law clerk, he is named Associate in August



Douglas R. Madanick is named Shareholder


Michael DeLaurentisJanuary

Michael J. DeLaurentis is named Counsel to the firm


The firm mourns the sudden passing of Barbara A. Kulzer


Samantha HeatonMay

Samantha Heaton starts clerkship, she is named Associate the following year



New Jersey’s Uniform Trust Code is enacted on January 19, 2016 and becomes effective July 17, 2016. Shareholder Glenn A. Henkel was one of the key principals on the NJ bar association committee to conform the UTC to New Jersey law as adopted by the Uniform Law Commission


Kristin SchmidMarch

Kristin L. Schmid joins firm as Associate





Michael A. Kulzer receives the Founders Award from the Estate and Financial Planning Council of Southern New Jersey


The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is signed into law by President Donald Trump on December 22, 2017  a sweeping tax reform law that promised to entirely change the tax landscape.


Daniel MellorJanuary

Daniel L. Mellor named Shareholder



New Jersey Estate Tax is eliminated effective January 1, 2018. First enacted in 1934, it’s purpose was to ensure New Jersey receives the full amount of the Credit for State Death Taxes allowed against the Federal Estate Tax.



Kristin SchmidKristin L. Schmid named Shareholder




Solaris Power joins firm as Associate



Arthur A. DiPadova receives 2021 Founders Award for Lifetime Achievement from the Estate and Financial Planning Council of Southern New Jersey.



PEPC Awards Glenn A. Henkel 2022 Mordecai Gerson Meritorious Service Award



Samantha Heaton becomes a shareholder.

Samantha Heaton

Michael R. Noto joins the firm as an associate.



Caroline C. Sutherland joins the firm as an associate.

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