Background On November 3, 2022, Governor Wolf signed Act 122 of 2022[1] (the “Act”) into law, implementing significant changes for domestic and foreign filing entities in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Among the many changes made by this legislation, the Act created an annual reporting requirement for most domestic and foreign…
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2025 Business Law Symposium
Date: June 11, 2025
Time: 9am – 4pm
Location: New Jersey Law Center, New Brunswick and Online
Kulzer & DiPadova, P.A. is pleased to announce that shareholder, Eric A. Feldhake has been inducted as President of the American Wine Society. Mr. Feldhake is a shareholder with the firm. He earned his J.D. at Temple University School of Law, where he was a senior editor of the Temple…
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PLAN RESTATEMENTS The Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) requires that all pre-approved qualified retirement plan documents be restated in their entirety every six (6) years (this period is often referred to as the “Restatement Cycle”). Pre-approved plans subject to this mandate consist of prototype plan documents. A prototype plan document is…
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